Why I Haven’t Blogged for a Coon’s Age

God has surprised me with a delightful new thing. In perfect timing with the needs of our family (mere hours after my husband was finally approved for a government disability allowance) he arranged for me to wave good-bye to my long habit of freelance, and instead presented me with a “real” job. I have a new title these days–constituency assistant to a well-respected, long-serving Canadian Member of Parliament.

I never thought I’d do this when I grew up. But sometimes God has things up his sleeve. Big things we know we can’t do without his help. Life has thrust me, once again, into the habit of leaning hard on his grace for my daily bread of provision strength, wisdom, clear thoughts, and the ability to learn quickly, like a teenager. Well, maybe not the latter. But I’d take that too, if it came.

With Divine help, I spend four days a week behind an ample government desk. I write weekly political columns (under someone else’s name), speeches, addresses and letters. Along the way I’m learning to assist constituents through a maze of government-related complications in their personal and business lives. Fun things like immigration and taxes, CPP and OAS. I also hear far too many complaints because, as everyone surely knows–it’s always the government’s fault.

A big task for an old writer? Yep. But the job came my way at the perfect time, and by God’s unmistakeable design, it’s okay.

I have less time for my own projects these days. That’s a good thing–I’m learning how much precious time I’ve wasted along my freelance road, checking markets, blogging, updating web-pages and social media, “keeping up a presence.” I’ve had to pare those things down (and happily) to maintain room for the truly important things in life.

Sunny Side Up and Simple Words continue for now.  And yes, I’m still on Facebook and Twitter–once a week.

 Live leaning. It’s exciting.

About Kathleen Gibson

Kathleen Gibson is a freelance writer and broadcaster, speaker, columnist, and author. Her work has appeared in numerous publications worldwide.
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