Simple Words Radio Spots


In spite of the huge presence of social media, I still love radio. The rapid growth of podcasts have proven that the spoken word, through podcasts or traditional radio, still captures people’s attention. That must be why he has given wings to Simple Words.

In a similar style to Sunny Side Up, (my faith and life newspaper column since 2001 –yikes!), each Simple Words spot connects life experiences with belief and the practice of Christian faith. Whether humourous, poignant, informational, or inspirational, I’ve crafted these 90 second spots to harness listeners’ thoughts and steer them faith-wards.

Why my interest in broadcasting? I grew up without a television, huddled around radio dramas, news broadcasts, and Christmas morning addresses by the Queen. Pretty heady stuff for a child with a far more vivid imagination than television allows.

Later in life, occasional freelance broadcast work for CBC Radio cemented that early love of radio. Sitting in studio, headphones on—for me, few workdays could compare with those.

One day, I posted a yellow sticky note at the top of my computer. “Pray about doing radio spots,” it said. I began praying that if it fit in with God’s plans, he’d make a way to broadcast short, simple words of faith over radio waves. A decade or so later, the door opened for the very thing I’d been praying about—short and simple inspirational radio spots, titled Simple Words. Through traditional and online radio, Simple Words took wings, and began airing on Christian radio in several countries and continents. God takes his sweet time, but his timing is always perfect.

It’s my prayer God continues to use those 90 second spots to touch lives and plant seeds of truth in listening hearts.

Care to Sample some Simple Words?

To listen to any of the files below, click on a title, then click again on the blue underlined file. Broadcast should begin automatically.

A Night with the Devil

Bathing with Muskrats 

Squirrels at Church

Appointment with Death

To find out how your station can access Simple Words, contact: (Replace AT with @.)

Here’s the station where it all started, and where it still airs several times daily…


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