Scott Loves Christian Music

“People love lists,” I heard my friend Scott Fitzsimmons say during a radio interview on Yorkton’s 98.5 The Rock FM. Jordan, his friend and colleague, wanted the station’s audience to hear about Scott’s newly established YouTube channel, “Scott loves Christian Music.” He won’t be ranking the albums and titles he …

We have proved we are not islands

We really do need each other. God made us that way. Genesis records that when he created the world and nature, he called it good. Yet, after creating Adam, he said, “It is not good for man to be alone,” and immediately created Eve. Because of COVID, most of us …

Knowing Jesus brings joy in hard times

These are excellent times to prove the truth of God-inspired words of scripture. Ancient words promising that even in hard times, following Christ brings serenity, peace and joy. I miss talking about this with my Bible study friends. Most of us were working women, grabbing a warm island of companionship …

Never hoist me on a pedestal, please

Folk often in the public eye become too well acquainted with pedestals. Occasionally someone familiar with my small corner of influence hoists me up on one. I wish they wouldn’t—I don’t belong there. They don’t know the real me, you see. At home, dust often collects like fur on my …

The sometimes overlooked role of bishops

“Danny called today,” the Preacher told me, when I got home from work one day. I felt a smile start in my soul. Dr. Daniel Gales.  In all the years I’ve written this column, I’ve never given a shout-out to those elected to oversee congregations of their denomination within a …

Debate, discuss, ponder – just remember Christian faith’s bottom line

“What are you up to?” the Preacher just asked. “I’m wrestling words,” I said, peering at him from behind my laptop. “Writing next week’s column. Why?” “When you’re done wrestling,” he said, “could you demonstrate the therapy harp to Anthony? He’s only seen pictures.” I’ll likely never be done word-wrestling. …

Does Jesus’ joy mean a constant grin?

“Why do you always seem glum?” someone asked my friend and fellow Christ-follower. “Christians should be joyful!” My friend, serious by nature, felt challenged and somewhat bruised by that question. For a time she wondered if she’d gotten something wrong in her faith and life equation. If her joy-basket had a hole …

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