Their jobs aren’t easy, but thank God for hospitals and their staff

The ward’s halls are paved with anxiety, painted with sighs and patched over with prayer. COVID and other nasty body snatchers hover. But she stands at the nursing station, pen in hand, checking charts. She’s young. Calm. Pretty. And pretty weary. Three more hours till she can leave. Her littles …

Only love can keep us strong

I generally don’t like animated movies. But last Boxing Day, our three eldest granddaughters introduced me to Encanto, a new movie from Disney that pleasantly surprised me. “Would you watch it again?” one asked a few weeks later. “I would. And I did! Gampa and I watched it together.” She …

Vote with understanding and prayer

As I write, Canada is midway through a fractious federal election campaign. Many people feel Election 2021 could change our country forever. Yesterday I had a conversation that irritated me. With the election campaign well underway, this mature adult didn’t know if the election is provincial or federal. They couldn’t …

Keeping valuable traditions – including ice cream

Tradition. That’s why Ezra, aged six years and eight hours, sits at our table, eying his breakfast: a vast bowl of Neapolitan ice cream. He chose that yesterday in the store, over my suggestions of more sophisticated options. “How about maple walnut? Black cherry? Rocky road?” But, no. He had …

We have proved we are not islands

We really do need each other. God made us that way. Genesis records that when he created the world and nature, he called it good. Yet, after creating Adam, he said, “It is not good for man to be alone,” and immediately created Eve. Because of COVID, most of us …

Knowing Jesus brings joy in hard times

These are excellent times to prove the truth of God-inspired words of scripture. Ancient words promising that even in hard times, following Christ brings serenity, peace and joy. I miss talking about this with my Bible study friends. Most of us were working women, grabbing a warm island of companionship …

What was that black velvet jacket telling me?

Just thirteen months ago, who could have imagined the things Canadians are experiencing right now? We scarcely recognize ourselves as the indomitable Western society we were just over a year ago. God has used the pandemic to humble us. I have shopped in person only rarely since COVID restrictions began. …

The sometimes overlooked role of bishops

“Danny called today,” the Preacher told me, when I got home from work one day. I felt a smile start in my soul. Dr. Daniel Gales.  In all the years I’ve written this column, I’ve never given a shout-out to those elected to oversee congregations of their denomination within a …

Mourners still need community, even during a pandemic

In 2004, my cousin Eldonna and I travelled to India. During part of our time in that country, we stayed with an Indian family I’d only known through correspondence. While there, we received news that Eldonna’s mother in Saskatchewan had died unexpectedly. With no cell phones, we hadn’t been in …

Exploring COVID-19’s other woundings

At this writing, our globe has grappled with COVID-19 for almost a year. It has changed everything for too many people, and too many things for everyone. “I don’t want a new normal,” my friend said, referring to those pandemic changes. She stamped her foot a bit and fumed. “I—we …

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