One door and only one

The Preacher has always left home decorating choices to me. He even tolerated the pink fireplace with the blue mantel, thankfully now decades behind us. So I didn’t tell him about the plan I recently had for the door at the end the boring hallway leading into the garage. That, …

Can this marriage survive the eagles?

The Preacher’s eagles—many dozens, collected over years—have flown.  Eagles have always inspired Christians. The Bible makes many references to the majestic lord of the skies, none better known than Isaiah’s reminder to the downtrodden Israelites: “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up …

Here, there and everywhere – life between homes

A few more months, the Preacher and I hope, and we’ll have completed our move. Meanwhile, it feels strange, living in two houses. No matter which house I’m in, I feel at home. The two places feel connected, albeit with a long, paved hall. Sometimes, when I’m standing in one …

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