Siri helps, but Jesus never fails

My daughter and I sat side by side on her RV couch, holding our cell phones. I had just complained about how often I misplaced mine. “Mom,” she said, “why don’t you just call it?” “Pardon me?” “Call it. It will answer you.” She reached for my phone and adjusted …

We have proved we are not islands

We really do need each other. God made us that way. Genesis records that when he created the world and nature, he called it good. Yet, after creating Adam, he said, “It is not good for man to be alone,” and immediately created Eve. Because of COVID, most of us …

Knowing Jesus brings joy in hard times

These are excellent times to prove the truth of God-inspired words of scripture. Ancient words promising that even in hard times, following Christ brings serenity, peace and joy. I miss talking about this with my Bible study friends. Most of us were working women, grabbing a warm island of companionship …

What was that black velvet jacket telling me?

Just thirteen months ago, who could have imagined the things Canadians are experiencing right now? We scarcely recognize ourselves as the indomitable Western society we were just over a year ago. God has used the pandemic to humble us. I have shopped in person only rarely since COVID restrictions began. …

No social distancing required in the most important relationship of all

COVID-19, with all its adjustments, terrors and sorrows will pass in time. Remember how difficult things were at the start of the pandemic panic, when everyone learned we must keep our distance from anyone not in our own household? Early in 2020, after the Preacher and I moved nearby them, …

Ancient words for a new crisis

 An embarrassing truth confronts us all. We first-world emperors have no clothes after all. Reassurances of our own lordship, the thoughts that have clothed most of us for most of our lives (we are what we make of ourselves, unconquerable, masters of our own destiny, no God necessary) have toppled …

Here, there and everywhere – life between homes

A few more months, the Preacher and I hope, and we’ll have completed our move. Meanwhile, it feels strange, living in two houses. No matter which house I’m in, I feel at home. The two places feel connected, albeit with a long, paved hall. Sometimes, when I’m standing in one …

Lord, be thou my (cataract-free) vision

The surgeon waved my comments aside. “Your eyes are perfect. You could legally fly a plane.” “No, sir,” I responded. “I couldn’t.” I had tried to explain, during that post-op appointment following my cataract surgeries (both peepers, two weeks apart), that I was NOT happy with my new eyes. I’d …

Corrie’s lesson in forgiveness

“If you do not forgive men their trespasses,” Jesus said, “neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.” It’s a condition not easily met. During the Holocaust, Dutch watchmaker Corrie Ten Boom, along with her beloved sister, Betsie, spent ten months imprisoned in Ravensbruck concentration camp. Nazis had discovered …

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