Reflections on almost a half-century of marriage

“How long have you been married?” a friend asked, just after a recent anniversary. “Forty-seven years,” I responded, tossing out the number uppermost in my cognitive surface. All that year, I answered that question the same way. When our next anniversary showed up on the calendar, I took time to …

The truth about Nana’s fake news

I spouted a mouthful of fake news at lunch the other day. To the grandchildren, no less. With a federal election pending, it seemed natural that the discussion around our table turned to politics. “Nana,” asked one of the children asked, “does God discipline bad kings?” “Well,” I said, “When …

A garden brings us near God’s heart

While on a road trip with my friend Glenda one cold and blustery afternoon, we stopped at a botanical garden. An oasis of colour and harmony greeted us, resplendent with flowering plants, tropical foliage and cacti. A cobblestone path dotted with wooden benches and wicker chairs wound past gurgling fountains, …

How does that story end anyway?

A television series you enjoy—cancelled before a proper conclusion. A book you’re reading, a cliff-hanger till the last, sadly missing, page. A fascinating conversation floating to you from the next restaurant table, but then things get too loud to hear the rest. Unfinished stories surround us. Last week, some regular …

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