Reflections on almost a half-century of marriage

“How long have you been married?” a friend asked, just after a recent anniversary. “Forty-seven years,” I responded, tossing out the number uppermost in my cognitive surface. All that year, I answered that question the same way. When our next anniversary showed up on the calendar, I took time to …

It’s often the little things that foster contentment

I’m sure it’s out there. Waiting for me. The single placemat on my side of the dining table. In a few minutes I’ll leave my computer and check.    While I still worked outside our home, I left the house before breakfast. After a half-hour commute to the office, I …

Jesus and Mr. Rogers

Was it the pandemic’s second or third wave? I can’t recall. But the doorbell rang at supper. I answered it and found a grandchild, standing alone, tears streaming like silver ribbons. Our daughter’s car waited at the end of the driveway. COVID protocol aside, what else is a grandmother to …

Embrace Easter’s main character

My family and I have thoroughly enjoyed the Chosen, the world’s first ever multi-season television show about the life of Christ. If you haven’t caught it, look for it on the app or YouTube. You won’t be sorry. But six years before Chosen, locals, including me, crowded into Yorkton’s Anne …

The sometimes overlooked role of bishops

“Danny called today,” the Preacher told me, when I got home from work one day. I felt a smile start in my soul. Dr. Daniel Gales.  In all the years I’ve written this column, I’ve never given a shout-out to those elected to oversee congregations of their denomination within a …

It’s not romance the world needs – it’s love

I’ve learned some things about romance over my life. ·       Flowers wither, gifts pile up, and too many chocolates make you chubby. If that kind of romance is all you’ve got, your relationship won’t survive. ·       The occasional romantic gesture sweetens even old marriages. ·       The most romantic offerings rise …

Mourners still need community, even during a pandemic

In 2004, my cousin Eldonna and I travelled to India. During part of our time in that country, we stayed with an Indian family I’d only known through correspondence. While there, we received news that Eldonna’s mother in Saskatchewan had died unexpectedly. With no cell phones, we hadn’t been in …

Can this marriage survive the eagles?

The Preacher’s eagles—many dozens, collected over years—have flown.  Eagles have always inspired Christians. The Bible makes many references to the majestic lord of the skies, none better known than Isaiah’s reminder to the downtrodden Israelites: “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up …

Do not be indifferent

I’m pounding the keyboard of my old Dell into the table right now. I spoke to a young friend earlier today. Yesterday was unseasonably warm for mid-winter. It seems that someone, taking advantage of the thaw, trespassed onto their family’s property and turned on an outside tap. All night long, …

Not all of us have lost the gentle art of kindness

“Since the takeover by ‘smart’ technology,” I heard an authority on human behavior say recently in an interview, “the quality of kindness is now perceived as being indicative of a weak personality.” The man gave examples that seemed to prove his statement. He followed that by saying that our smart devices …

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