Don’t forget your spiritual harness

It’s hard staying in shape when one isn’t athletic, and their primary vocation requires sitting at a desk. That’s me. But I love walking, although this winter’s frigid temperatures often trap me inside. Our sheepdog, Cash, who took me for twice-daily walks until the great winter chill set in), abruptly …

Scott Loves Christian Music

“People love lists,” I heard my friend Scott Fitzsimmons say during a radio interview on Yorkton’s 98.5 The Rock FM. Jordan, his friend and colleague, wanted the station’s audience to hear about Scott’s newly established YouTube channel, “Scott loves Christian Music.” He won’t be ranking the albums and titles he …

The all occasion, perfect prayer

We prayed the Lord’s Prayer every school day, in my elementary public school classrooms. I still hear the voices of my classmates, heads bowed, hands folded. Holly Parker, always the class rebel, likely peeked and passed notes to Larry McKay. (Okay, I peeked at least once.) “Teach us to pray,” …

Vote with understanding and prayer

As I write, Canada is midway through a fractious federal election campaign. Many people feel Election 2021 could change our country forever. Yesterday I had a conversation that irritated me. With the election campaign well underway, this mature adult didn’t know if the election is provincial or federal. They couldn’t …

Siri helps, but Jesus never fails

My daughter and I sat side by side on her RV couch, holding our cell phones. I had just complained about how often I misplaced mine. “Mom,” she said, “why don’t you just call it?” “Pardon me?” “Call it. It will answer you.” She reached for my phone and adjusted …

Keeping valuable traditions – including ice cream

Tradition. That’s why Ezra, aged six years and eight hours, sits at our table, eying his breakfast: a vast bowl of Neapolitan ice cream. He chose that yesterday in the store, over my suggestions of more sophisticated options. “How about maple walnut? Black cherry? Rocky road?” But, no. He had …

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