Ancient words for a new crisis

 An embarrassing truth confronts us all. We first-world emperors have no clothes after all. Reassurances of our own lordship, the thoughts that have clothed most of us for most of our lives (we are what we make of ourselves, unconquerable, masters of our own destiny, no God necessary) have toppled …

Facing an Everest-sized diagnosis?

I once interviewed a Canadian who had twice summited Mount Everest. “I wasn’t trying to get to the top,” Dave Rodney said, remembering the most perilous portions of the climb—crossing ladders placed as bridges over almost bottomless crevasses. “…Just to the next rung on the ladder.” Everest climbers surround us. …

Two things that refuse to die – and one that cannot be killed

Something frightening recently took place in a private garden in South Texas. While gardening in her backyard, a nurse named Jennifer spotted a rattler near her hand. An instant later it rose to striking position. “SNAKE!” she screamed. Her husband, Jeremy, working nearby, grabbed a shovel and ran over. First, …

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